Honesty, truth, strength, power, courage, majesty, wisdom, and freedom. These are all words that represent the bald eagle within American Indian culture.
The eagle and its feathers have long been a symbol of what is highest, bravest, strongest, and holiest. The majestic birds hold a high and sacred place within American Indian traditions, culture, and religion. People honor others by giving them feathers of this magnificent bird, and the receivers wear them with dignity and pride.
In Minnesota, where Big Spirit president Shanne Soulier lives, there is a very healthy eagle population. But nothing like Alaska and what Shanne recently saw when he visited the great state.
Used to occasionally seeing eagles high in trees around his home state, it surprised Shanne to see so many eagles in Alaska, seemingly everywhere. From the ground to the trees, to soaring high in the sky, the abundance of eagles was truly inspiring to Shanne.
In addition to many eagles, Shanne also saw the Alaskan salmon runs in several rivers. Seeing the salmon run upriver has been a long-time life goal for Shanne and the experience didn’t disappoint. Watching the salmon make their long journey upriver, determined to keep their population alive and continue the circle of life was inspiring. Watching nature run its natural course and the overcoming of insurmountable odds of survival is awesome to witness. It puts things into perspective of just how big and beautiful our world is and that challenges can be overcome through perseverance.
Big Spirit has been growing and Shanne has been working hard to serve his clients’ marketing and promotional product needs. His trip to Alaska was a much-needed break to rest and reconnect with the beautiful scenery and wildlife found there. Shanne returned home refreshed, inspired to continue his Big Spirit journey and serve his clients exceptionally.