Whether your organization plans marketing around the fiscal year, which ends in June, or around the calendar year, which ends in December, many find themselves in a frenzy, trying to figure out how to spend their remaining marketing budget. This last-minute scramble often leads to stress, rushed decisions, and missed opportunities.
At Big Spirit Inc., we’ve seen it all – clients calling in a panic, desperate to use their budget before the year ends. But it doesn’t have to be this way. By planning ahead, you can make the most of your marketing budget, ensure your events are a success, and avoid the chaos of last-minute planning.
The Importance of Early Planning
At Big Spirit Inc., we recommend starting your year-end budget planning well in advance. Ideally, you should begin working with us a year prior to your event. This allows us to create a comprehensive budget for your event and ensures that you have enough time to plan every detail meticulously. Here are some key benefits of early planning:
- Getting Exactly What You Want: When you plan ahead, you have the time to explore different options and make informed decisions. This ensures that your event is exactly what you envisioned.
- Meeting Deadlines: Early planning allows you to set realistic timelines and meet all your deadlines without the stress of rushing.
- Saving Money: By avoiding rush orders, you can save a significant amount of money. Rush orders often come with additional costs that can quickly add up.
- Ensuring Budget Utilization: When you plan your budget properly, you can ensure that every dollar is spent wisely. This not only helps you make the most of your current budget but also increases your chances of getting the budget you need for the next year.
- Non-Profit Benefits: For non-profit organizations, early planning is crucial. You need to submit your expenses and budget to funding sources, and proper planning ensures that you have all the necessary documentation in place.
A Timeline for Success
To help you understand how to plan your marketing budget effectively, we’ve created a timeline that outlines the key steps you should take in the months leading up to your event.
Three Months Before the Event: Strategic Planning
Three months before your event is the ideal time to start talking to Big Spirit Inc. This is when we can sit down with you to plan a strategy, explore different options, and consult on your marketing needs. By starting early, we can help you develop a comprehensive plan that covers every aspect of your event.
Two Months Before the Event: Design Process
Two months before the event, the design process begins. This is when our creative team gets to work, developing designs that align with your vision and goals. We work closely with you to finalize the designs and ensure that everything is on track.
4-6 Weeks Before the Event: Finalizing Choices
Four to six weeks before the event, it’s time to finalize your choices. We make sure that the inventory and colors you want are available and lock in the prices. This is crucial because prices on products can change weekly, and finalizing early ensures that you get the best possible deal.
4 Weeks Before the Event: Processing Orders
Four weeks before the event, we process your order and send our billing for your paperwork or accounting needs. This ensures that everything is in place well before the event, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to focus on other important aspects of your event.
Avoid the Stress!
Year-end budget planning doesn’t have to be stressful. By working with Big Spirit Inc. and planning ahead, you can ensure that your marketing budget is spent wisely, your events are a success, and you avoid the chaos of last-minute planning. So, don’t wait until the last minute – start planning today and see the difference that early preparation can make.